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Redlands Primary School

Friends of Redlands

Who’s who in Friends of Redlands

Behind every successful bake sale, raffle, and quiz night, there’s a dedicated team making the magic happen. Meet the humans who keep Friends of Redlands running like clockwork. They’re the ones answering emails, organising events, and occasionally wrestling with spreadsheets - all with a smile.


We’d like to introduce:

Chair – Hannah Hancock

Vice Chair – AJ Nicholas

Treasurer – Emma Elderfield

Vice Treasurer – Karen Davies

Secretary – Hannah Sperring

Vice Secretary – Maddy Butler

Unnamed ordinary officers – Joanna Nagler & Sophie Williams


And of course, we couldn’t do it without our honorary helpers: a group of mysterious yet extremely efficient volunteers. Whether it’s Smurfs counting pennies, Christmas elves stuffing raffle envelopes, or Minions causing chaos at bake sales, they’re always there!