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Redlands Primary School

Governor Who's Who


Mr D Reeves | Parent Governor (Chair)

As a parent of two children who are both at the early stages of their primary school journey at Redlands, I am keen to play a part in shaping the strategic direction of the school under the new leadership and helping ensure that it provides an exceptional standard of education in a safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environment.

 I’ve always had an interest in the education sector and have a particular passion for the subject area of personal, social, health and economic education and ensuring that children have the skills needed to prepare them for life outside of school.

 As well as being a Governor, I also run my own recruitment company and have over a decade of experience in the world of recruitment, talent acquisition and executive search, having started my career in research and business development.

Miss C Dawkins | Co-opted Governor 

Having lived in the borough of Fareham all of my life and am now living within the local community of Redlands Primary School; I became a parent governor at Redlands in 2009 up until 2013, during a period when my daughter was attending the school.

I also have 10 years experience of working within schools, and more specifically Primary Education, all the while I was gaining my Level 3 NVQ in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, following my 12 years working as a manager in the retail industry; I also hope to gain a BA Hons in Youth Justice Studies in the near future.

I hope to bring ideas that will help Redlands Primary School thrive within the local community as well as helping to enable the pupils to have an enjoyable and successful learning experience at the school, using my prior experience.

Mrs E Goadsby | Co-opted Governor (Vice-Chair)

I first took up a place as a parent governor in February 2006 when my eldest daughter was in her reception year.

My two daughters attended Redlands throughout their primary years and I am looking forward to continuing my involvement with the school for many years to come.

I have a BSc in Physics and have worked as a scientist for many years. My work has been varied: involving practical work monitoring for environmental contaminants, laboratory analysis and record keeping.

I am also heavily involved in quality management using audit, statistical analysis and system review to ensure that high levels of quality assurance are maintained throughout my departments.

All of this pales in significance compared to the skills as a negotiator, logistics expert and entertainment manager (necessary for every parent) – which have developed as the children have grown!

It is my hope that every child in the school will find it a happy and interesting place, where learning is something that they enjoy.

Mrs L Hewitt | Parent Governor


I have two children at Redlands and a younger daughter who is almost 1. 

I have had a twelve year career in Local Government Special Educational Needs, where I would work with multi -disciplinary professionals across the Education, Health and Social Care sectors to provide every child with the resources to ensure their needs are met and they have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

I have recently joined my husband in our family recruitment business to provide a better work- life balance. I have always loved working with families and schools and wanted to become a Parent Governor to continue to be involved in school life and use my skills and expertise to play my part in Redlands continued success in nurturing their children.

Mrs K Hughes | Staff Goverrnor 

I have worked at Redlands now for 6 years, after joining the staff team as a cover teacher.  During this time I have been fortunate enough to get to know and teach almost every child in the school and to experience being part of the staff team in almost every year group.  I hope that my unique experience of the school will allow me to represent the interests of the whole school in my new role as staff governor. 
I am excited to have joined the governing body at a time of change for Redlands and I am passionate about offering our children the best, both within and outside the curriculum.  I am looking forward to working alongside governors from so many areas of our school community as we continue build on the strong foundations we have already set in place.

Mrs S Montgomery | Parent Goverrnor 


Mr P Limburn | Local Authority Governor 

Mr M Prior | Co-opted Governor

I have been a Governor of Redlands since 1990 having been appointed by Fareham Borough Council shortly after my election to the Council.

I served as a Councillor for Fareham South Ward from 1990 – 2002, being Chairman of the Housing Committee in 1998-99. I was Chairman of Governors at Redlands from 1997 – 2005.

I was educated at Price’s School, Fareham and have a BSc in Chemical Sciences from the University of East Anglia.

I am now retireed by previously worked for Revenue and Customs. I am also a Portsmouth Season Ticket Holder.

Mrs A Rowell | Co-opted Governor

I am a qualified primary school teacher with over twenty years’ experience working in Fareham schools, one of which was Redlands, where I was Early Years leader for a number of years. I am a keen advocate for all things early years, believing that not only is it the best year to teach, but essential to ensure children are provided with high quality learning experiences bespoke to their needs and interests, supported by a highly effective enabling environment and adults that engage in the play, which then lays the foundation for future learning.

I currently work, as a Hampshire Early Years District Advisory Teacher. This role enables me to support schools and settings to minimise the vulnerabilities and help to ensure good learning and development outcomes for early years children.

I feel privileged that I was co-opted in as a governor at Redlands, which has enabled me to maintain a strong link with the school, as well as being part of its ever evolving outstanding journey.

Vacancy | Parent Goverrnor 

Vacancy | Co-opted Governor 


Mrs T Parker | Clerk