Contact Us
Click here for our Privacy Notice (how we handle your information).
Click here for our CCTV Privacy Notice (how we handle your information).
If you require a paper version of any of the information on the website, please speak to the school office.
Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Ainsworth
SENCo: Mrs Laura Ward
School Bursar: Mrs Gill Wallis
Administration Team: Mrs Tryphaena Parker, Mrs Leanne England, Miss Sian Bailey
T | 01329 234012 - the school office is open from 8.30am to 3.30pm daily for queries.
Out of these hours, an answerphone will take your message which will be received at start of business the following day by our admin team.
For general queries, please email the admin team on the email address below.
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Redlands Primary School
Redlands Lane,
PO16 0UD