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Redlands Primary School

Supporting your Child

Future in Mind are running a series of workshops on current issues that parents/carers are facing;

  • Understanding and Exploring Bullying - 22nd November - 7pm - 8.30pm online

  • Discussing OCD and supporting your young person - 4th December - 10am - 12.15pm online

  • Supporting Positive Sleep - 6th December - 12pm - 1pm

  • Sleep Specialist-discussing Autism, Anxiety & Sleep - 12th December - 10.15am - 12.15am - Lysses Hotel, Fareham

If you are interested in attending any of these workshops, please click the link below.  





Click the logo to find out more information on the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust text advice service for parents of children aged 5-19.



 Click on the logos above for further information on these services providing core support to parents and carers looking after young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities.