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Redlands Primary School


What should my child wear to school?

At Redlands we aim to foster a feeling of community within our school.

Our policy is that all children should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos and that the most suitable clothing is school uniform, as set in appendix 1.


Our policy is based on the belief that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • gives a feeling of belonging and cohesion
  • is practical and distinctive
  • identifies the children with the school
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothing might be)
  • makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance
  • is regarded as suitable and good value for money, by most parents.
  • avoids daily disputes between parent and child as to what to wear.


Detailed information on uniform is given in appendix 1 of the School Uniform policy. Uniform with the school logo can be selected from a range of school clothing available from Skoolkit/My Clothing.com .  Uniform without the school logo can be obtained from local superstores. The school seeks to ensure that uniform prices are affordable for all parents.

Role of the Class Teachers and Support Staff

  • Set a good example in terms of dress.
  • Remember that in our respective roles we serve the local community as a set of professionals.
  • To remind children to wear school uniform. The class teacher will speak to parents of children who do not wear the correct uniform. If children continue to not wear the correct uniform the matter will be referred to the Head Teacher, who may then contact the child’s parents.
  • Children who are wearing their uniform correctly and who have a smart appearance will be praised and may receive rewards (e.g. house points) in line with the school's behaviour policy.

Role of the Head Teacher

  • To ensure that pupils comply with the uniform policy agreed by the governing body.
  • To encourage the school uniform throughout the school community, as part of the maintenance of day to day discipline and good order in the school.
  • To speak to the parents of children who persistently do not wear the correct uniform to remind them of the importance attached to the wearing of uniform.
  • In cases of individual financial hardship, the Head Teacher may agree for the school to provide financial support in order for parents to purchase basic uniform.
  • The school will follow current DfE guidelines where a pupil fails to comply with the school’s rules on uniform.

Role of the Parents/Guardians

  • To ensure that their child / children adhere to the school’s uniform policy.
  • Ensure that children come to school in clean uniform everyday unless there are special circumstances such as non-uniform days.
  • To ensure that all uniform is labelled correctly and clearly.

Jewellery and Headwear

On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school. Pupils with pierced ears may wear plain studs, but not sleepers or pendant earrings.  The safety of our children is our first priority.  School staff accept no responsibility for the safe keeping of jewellery brought into school.

Children who have pierced ears will be required to remove studs for PE.  If there is no medical reason for earrings not to be removed,  children will be unable to participate in the PE lessons. Removal or earrings must be done by the child or their carer, not a member of staff.  This is based on advice from Hampshire County Council and we are unable to accept parental disclaimers on this matter.

We do not allow headwear to be worn during class time or inside school buildings. Where a parent may request this for religious, ethical or medical reasons, each individual case will be considered on its merits.


Parents should be aware that extreme fashion hairstyles for children, such as ‘Mohicans’, are not suitable for school. For reasons of safety, long hair must be tied back.  Elaborate hair accessories are not appropriate for school; plain navy blue hair accessories should be used and are widely available.

Embroidered uniform is available from Skoolkit and My Clothing.