Hello Parents/Carers, we hope everyone is safe and well.
June 15th is the provisional date given by the Government for non-essential retailers like Skoolkit to reopen. So, we would like to update you with our plans to help this happen and to hopefully cover any questions.
We have a social responsibility to not attract large numbers to our shops to maintain social distancing measures, so where possible we would like to encourage customers to buy from our website. Please use the FAQ on our website to help answer any questions you may have regarding ordering online.
Regrettably our usual “discount week” has been suspended for this year, however we will be offering free delivery codes for uniforms purchased on-line on specific dates as follows: Just enter the code at the checkout.
26TH – 28TH JUNE 2020 – JUNEDEL20
29TH – 31ST JULY 2020 – JULYDEL20
5TH – 7TH AUGUST 2020 – AUGDEL20
If you do need to visit our shops please buy early to help avoid crowds building up through the summer. There will be queues for uniform and service will take longer than usual but we aim to move customers through as safely as possible and we will be observing all Government guidelines including:
- Providing staff with PPE as advised
- Providing hand sanitiser in-store for use by staff and customers
- Installing cough/sneeze guards
- Observing 2 metre social distancing rule by using a one-way flow system through stores with floor markings and signage.
- Limiting the number of people who can be inside a shop at any given time. With only one adult with their children where possible.
- Limiting the use of fitting rooms so that they are only used where absolutely necessary
- Limiting customers’ handling of uniform. So, please come prepared with size information (Refer to for size guides)
- Encouraging the use of card payment
All on-line orders will need to be placed by Friday August 14th at the latest to guarantee delivery for a September.
Can we please ask our customers to be patient with our staff who will be working incredibly hard to help make sure your child has all they need for their return back to school.
If we all help each other stay safe we can survive this challenging time together.
Please click the link below to view the Redlands uniform available to purchase.