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Redlands Primary School


School Council 2024/2025   

The children were really excited to start the year with a special assembly explaining school council.  Some of last year’s school councillors came to talk about their role and we discussed how having a school council makes Redlands a democracy, reflecting the fundamental values of Great Britain.  The children were invited to apply for school council this year and our new councillors were voted in.


Our school council notice board reminds us of the values we look for in our school councillors as well as showing who represents each class.  We also have a suggestions box so that everyone can share ideas that they would like the school council to talk about.


Each half term, Mrs Hughes asks the school council for their opinions about a school issue.  The children discuss this with their classes and come back to the next meeting with feedback.  This year, we are trying to send a presentation, like the one below, to the class teachers to help the children remember what they need to discuss with their friends.  Currently, the children are seeking feedback on the fun new activities that have been introduced at lunchtimes.

How do you feel the new playground toys have been working?


 I like the chalk

Mrs Ainsworth playing with us

 Playtime is more fun with toys

 Excited, happy, good



 Why are only Year 5/6 allowed boxes?

Some people have written silly things with the chalk


The children also choose one community project to support each half term.  In Autumn 1, this was the Wessex Rotary shoebox appeal.  The children spent a very busy afternoon sorting everyone’s generous donations and wrapping the shoeboxes ready to be sent.  In Autumn 2 we will be supporting Key Stage 1 when they perform their nativity to the residents of Parker Meadows, but making some tasty treats to serve to the residents.  The children have already made other suggestions for their community projects later in the year, so watch this space.