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Redlands Primary School

Parents Evening - October 2021

This years parents evening will be held virtually using Teachers2Parents on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st October 2021.  Texts have now been sent out to all parents with a link to be able to book.  If you have not received yours, please contact the school office on 01329 234012 and we can book the appointment for you.

The video link will be sent via text 10 hours before your appointment time.  Again, if you do not receive this then please contact the school office before 3pm on the day of your appointment and we can resend it to you.

Each appointment is 10 minutes long and there will be a countdown for both you and the teacher showing how much time is left.  At the end of the ten minutes, the link will end.

Click here for the parents guide on what to expect.

If, for any reason, you are unable to connect at the time of your slot, please contact the school the following day by email to adminoffice@redlands.hants.sch.uk or telephone 01329 234012, and an alternative arrangement will be made.

If you are having trouble accessing the parents evening video link, please try the hints below:

  • Check the capabilities of your device by visiting networktest.twilio.com.
  • If you have not received a text with a link to 'view your schedule and join Parents Evening then please give us a call.
  • When clicking on the link, you should see a screen like this, showing how long is left until your appointment.

  • If you do not see this and you are accessing the link on your mobile phone, rotate your phone into landscape mode as sometimes this image is hiding at the side.
  • Try using a different device by copying the content of the text message containing the link and pasting it into an email.  Access this email from another device and click on the link.  You will need to have microphone capabilities on this device also.