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Redlands Primary School




Children should come into school wearing their PE kit on the days specified below.

 Class 1 & 2 - Wednesday

Class 3 - Monday/Wednesday

Class 6 - Tuesday/Thursday

Class 9 - Monday/Friday

Class 4 - Monday/ Tuesday

Class 7 - Monday/Thursday

Class 10 -  Tuesday/Friday

Class 5 - Thursday/Friday

Class 8 - Tuesday/Thursday

Class 11 - Wednesday/Friday


PE Uniform for all year groups

  • A T-shirt in the child’s house colour (Oxford- royal blue, Cambridge- green, Sussex- red, Warwick- yellow.)
  • Navy blue PE shorts
  • Plain navy blue jogging bottoms and a suitable warm sweatshirt may be worn for outside PE.
  • Plimsolls or trainers (trainers should be as plain as possible)
  • Optional: a Redlands ‘hoodie’ may be worn for PE/Games.

All PE kits should be free from any logo or brand name, apart from the school logo.