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Redlands Primary School

School Improvement Priorities

Below you will find a summary of this year's strategic school improvement plan. This document outlines the key areas for development that the school is working on this year. Please be aware that this is a summary document and not the full plan.

Objectives for 2024/25

Objective 1:
To develop more effective assessment practices and the use of the assessment system to provide forensic analysis that informs teachers knowledge of their pupils, planning and enables more children to achieve combined (in Reading, Writing and Maths) ARE (age related expectations).


Objective 2:

To further refine the curriculum to enable staff to understand which vital knowledge pupils must be taught. Continued English and Maths focus with greater focus on KS2, supported by HIAS teams. Foundation subject leadership, development, and assessment.


Objective 3:

To improve the quality of teaching and learning across the school, ensuring all staff make appropriate adaptations for pupils with SEND and disadvantaged groups, to learn the intended curriculum.


Objective 4:  

To establish a robust culture of safeguarding practice, analysis, and monitoring impact.


Objective 5:

Governors should plan and implement curriculum monitoring which is then reported to the full governing body and enables them to hold leaders to account.