Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is central government funding paid to schools and is designed to support additional provision for students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) now or at any point in the last six years. It is part of recognition nationally and internationally that economic disadvantage has a negative impact on student attainment. The Pupil Premium, therefore, should be used to close the gap between these students and is aimed to eradicate any disadvantage. At Redlands Primary School each child is treated as an individual and interventions are tracked on an individual basis. Each child’s progress is tracked rigorously and interventions are put in place in order to close any gaps.
The grant may be spent in the following ways:
- for the purposes of the school ie for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school
- for the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools or academies
- on community facilities eg services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated.
Gov.uk | The Pupil Premium: How Schools Used the Funding
For the academic year in question we provided the following spending:
This spending is planned and monitored by the School Bursar, Headteacher and Governors and is driven by the School Improvement Priorities.
We routinely discuss with Pupil Premium families how best to use this resource. If you have suggestions as to how we might use pupil premium money more effectively, please contact a class teacher, the headteacher or any governor at the school. All suggestions will be treated confidentially unless you agree otherwise.
Email adminoffice@redlands.hants.sch.uk
Tel: 01329 234012
2024/25 Pupil Premium Statement
Click here to read our 2024/25 pupil premium statement