Osmington Bay Residential update
Dear Parent/Carer
I know there has been online discussion among parents today regarding PGL and Ofsted. We have investigated these reports and sought written reassurances from PGL, which they have duly provided.
I have also contacted Hampshire County Council's Outdoor Activities Advisor who has to authorise this trip., and did so several weeks ago. The view of Hampshire is that they have no information at this stage that would cause them to cancel the trip. They also told me they have received no information from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a national body who would normally advise Hampshire if they felt a residential trip had safety queries.
Given this information, I have decided the trip will still go ahead. As always , all the supervision and pastoral care of our children is provided by our own team, in this case Paul Stubbs, Jen Todd, Shanel Wight, May Bowie and Caroline Dawkins. Paul Stubbs, the group leader and organiser, is also happy for the trip to continue.
Where the safety of our children is concerned, I will always exercise caution, and we will review the progress of the trip on an hourly basis while we are there.
I hope you are happy with this information. If the situation changes at all ,I will notify parents at the earliest opportunity, but for now, I am content that the trip should still go ahead.
Yours sincerely
Kevin Harcombe