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Redlands Primary School

Absences - how to report


It is important that you telephone the school office on 01329 234012, as soon as possible on the first day of your child's absence. We have an answering service if you need to call out of hours. If your child fails to turn up and we have not had any message as to why they are absent, we will telephone you.

If you are unsure whether you child is well enough to attend school, follow this link for further advice.  Can a child go to school/nursery today? :: Healthier Together (what0-18.nhs.uk)

Click here for information on keeping your child well.


If your child has an appointment during the school day please let the school office know by telephone or a note. No child will be allowed to leave the school for an appointment unless an adult has collected them.


Children can arrive at school from 8.30am and must be in class by no later than 8.45am when the register is taken. Any child arriving after 8.45am but before 9.15am will be marked as late. Children arriving after 9.15am will be marked as an unauthorised absence. 

If your child is late in the morning, they should go straight to the school office accompanied by their parent/carer in order that a reason for their lateness can be provided.  Should a child be regularly late, the school will work with parents/carers to provide any additional support required to improve punctuality.  If there is no improvement, a penalty notice could be issued.

Absences during term time

Government guidance no longer permits children to be taken out of school during term time unless the circumstances are deemed 'exceptional' and this is then at the discretion of the headteacher.

If you intend to remove your child from school for at least one session (morning or afternoon) during term time, please complete the Request for Absence form and return it to the school. Copies are also available from the school office. You will be notified as soon as possible if the absence has been authorised or not.

Please note that all schools are required to work with Hampshire County Council to consider legal action if:

  • A child has unauthorised absence for 10 or more sessions in 100 sessions.
  • A child is continually late to school and this lateness is unauthorised for 10 or more sessions.
  • A child has any unauthorised absence during any formal examinations, assessment or testing.

Please click for more information on the importance of good School Attendance.

Click for information on penalty notices.

Each parent/carer can be issued a separate penalty notice for each child.